Do I save or do I buy the shirt? 

Being the lover of fashion, the question going through my mind all the time when I go to mall to buy things worthy, my mind goes back and forth when I'm was taken decision. There were moments where I sacrificed my budget for a stylish look, in the end, was it worth it? ... No, not really.

To make something new and finding ways to save money in small places all adds up! Save your money and learn how to stay stylish on a budget with these 8 brilliant tips!

1 - foot wear

Shoes are an essential piece to have; it’s perfect for going out, working. simple shoes can make you more elegant.

choose the colors that you can wear it with several clothes, Save your trip to the mall for another week.

via: helloheels

via: highheeledfootwear

2-backwards shirts

Wearing your shirt backwards may seem like one of the biggest fashion blunders that you can make in your life but with today’s fashion,

we’ve been seeing many style stars, wearing their shirts backwards and surprisingly their outfits look stylish. leave it open in the back .it’s perfect, and dressing up.

via: diggcn

via Krista Anna Lewis / Man Repeller

3. Nail Growth 

Get  your  manicure to last longer with nail polish ! Nail growth is you use  of materials to rub nails, Stay away from drought, Cleaning and moisturizing, Nails Protection, Mitigate manicure .so, all this things Make your nails a very modern, making it grow naturally, and save you from making many pricey trips to the nail salon! 

via: zdorovia

via: VK


A new season means I want new everything and This brilliant things ! I'm not wanting last year's sunglasses, All of a sudden, Glasses that were in the old have become the fashion now. like Heart-shaped and Several other Forms.

via PS- I made this...


5-Chipped Nail Polish 

If a small tip of your nail seems out of place and thus making the whole hand look shabby, and you don't have much time to redo your nails. no need to redo all your nails again! Using nail polish to cover your nail it brilliant and super easy for you......Freshen your nails in one easy step. 


Makeup Tubes 

Don’t throw away the empty lotion bottle before getting every last drop.