Media Change Your Life

all the time i am asking myself why the Muslims are attacking by the westerners media ?
maybe they are afraid that the most powerful religion in all over the world is Islam nowadays, but the problem is they show Islam in the TV in wrong images.because all we know that media could confirm could be a kind of a war against this religion which create misunderstanding facts about this peaceful religion.So media can be as the brain-washing or the impact tool on the audience because the majority of the audience believe or trust what he can see or hear but the facts something different.Therefore, the statistics show that media could control our believes or change our way of life and the audience forget the real norms of humanity.
media goals focus on the business they do not care about ethics, norms and believes of a specific culture.
for them the good news are the bad  news in order to attract more the audience.So, media can change the image of a culture or a religion in the audience head because, the audience of other culture think that all people like that ! they think that Islam just terrorism! and based just on boobs and long beard or long clothes...

hence, the media can be controlled by the government for political aims or for business goals.So, we should do media studies in order to make the audience aware of the media's Ideologies. and if you want to know real images of something you should  read books and travel before judging or about a culture, religion , and people of other countries in all over the world.