Aliens Could Steal Us For Their Experiments

most of people are interested by aliens or obsessed in order to know more information about them.
so are we alone in the universe? there are a lot of people admit that they see aliens or they are contacting them!

nowadays the using of technology could give us the proofs if we are alone or not in the universe, but still the governments hiding the real facts of aliens, even there are pictures taken by NASA's cameras in the space or by people's cameras. As we can notice in the following camera's proofs,which shows if they are real or not !
so let's the images talk and the comments come up from you if they are real or not !
 1-do you think that they are close to us in the moon !
2- but the other facts that why still NASA denying !!
3-if the Aliens could live in the space or the universe why they still not contacting us ! maybe they are just watching us far away from us or the can steal us from their experiments!