having a traumatic post-break up? facebook will help you to get over it

Most of people find it so hard to get over someone after a break up, Social media make it even more unbearable with all big goofy smile photos posted, Comments and likes , from « single » to « in a relationship » exe’s statuts…etc

image; http://www.journaldugeek.com

Facebook is making it easier to stay resolved in your breakup.  it will now provide several options when a person changes their relationship status in a way that indicates they are no longer attached. For instance, users will have the option to see less of their ex’s name and profile, and their posts won’t show up in that person’s news feed.

image; http://www.journaldugeek.com

The ex will also not be a suggested person to tag in photos, and overall their pictures and status updates will be limited.

image; http://www.journaldugeek.com

the company said  its starting to test these features in the United States on mobile and will expand them based on user feedback.