We Walk On The Moon

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlmen, it is with a great sense of pride and with humility as a human being that i say to you today.What no men have been privileged to say before: "We Walk On The Moon"


But the footprints at Tranquility Base belong to more than the crew of Apollo. They were put there by hundreds of thousands of people across the country, people in the government, industry and universities, the teams and crews that preceded us, all who strived throughout the years with Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.

   source:http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/walking-moon-d-illustration-modelling-astronaut-zbrush-has-been-time-    consuming-part-scene-as-took-one-week-34627178.jpg

Those footprints belong to the American people and you, the representatives, who accept and support, invitable challenge of the moon. And since we came in peace for all mankind those footprints belong also to all people of the world.

     source: http://www.raymondthebrave.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Does-God-Exist-Moon-Earth.jpg

As the moon shines impartially on all those looking up from our spinning earth so, do we hope the benefits of peace exploration will be spread equally with a harmonizing influence to all mankind.
Scientific exploration implies investigating the unknown. The result can never be wholly anticipated. As Charls Lindberg said:"Scientific accomplishment is a path, not an end; a path leading to and disapearing in mystery".

      source: https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/ajMgIwh5hgL0BcmWt8pA1uTjbTR.jpg

The Apollo lesson is that national goals can met where there is a strong enough will to do so. The first step on the moon was a step toward our sister planets and ultimately toward the stars. 
"A small step for a man, was a statement os a fact, a giant leap for mankind, is a hope for future".

What this country does with the lessons of Apollo apply to domestic problems, and what we do in further speace exploration programs will determine just how giant a leap we have taken.