4:01 AM
You may want many times to make tricks, joking and kidding with a friends by using Internet, and stop his computer even you are far from them.Recently a link appeared in new Web page called "crashsafari.com".
3:34 AM
source: http://fashionvials.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/blackhead-removal-before-and-after-ideas.jpg
2:46 AM
Maybe you're not the only one who suffer from the difficulty of waking up early, especially when you sleep late hours at night.So, because you don't get enough rest and sleep, which makes you to wake up very hard!
2:40 AM
source: http://f9vision.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Female-Celebrities-With-Beautiful-Eyes-Plump-Lips.jpg
2:16 AM
1:59 AM
9:06 AM
Online world is very large,where you can find anything you want or if you are looking for something that you need. so indeed be just online you can learn how to make many things, even if you are thinking it is complicated and require years of study or learning.
8:36 AM
One of the most terrible things that cause traffic accidents is by using phone while driving.
The use of the phone while driving is dangerous because when the driver read messages could lose his or her attention in the road.Therefore, we should not use the phone while driving in order to avoid traffic accidents.
7:41 AM
source: http://www.clearessence.com/shop-by-skin-types/images/skin-types-clear-essence-skin-care.jpg
7:22 AM
These last days there are a lot of stories behind selfie pictures before death.One day we are are going to die but before of our death.
6:57 AM
5:31 AM
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFd7KZ7Eq14
5:21 AM
Watch the vedio to find what the scientific data really say about fat consumption.
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgiaISd4AHo&noredirect=1
5:02 AM
Honey's often thought of as a healthier sweetener, but you might be surprised to learn that this ingredient has tons of skin.
source: http://dingo.care2.com/pictures/greenliving/1194/1193111.large.jpg
Thanks to Cleopatra's milk and honey baths, Honey has become a favorite with one and all to be used in beauty regime. Beside Cleopatra, there were other beauties from the past, who swear by honey being an indispensable ingredient in beauty treatments.
source: http://dingo.care2.com/pictures/greenliving/1194/1193111.large.jpg
Thanks to Cleopatra's milk and honey baths, Honey has become a favorite with one and all to be used in beauty regime. Beside Cleopatra, there were other beauties from the past, who swear by honey being an indispensable ingredient in beauty treatments.
4:37 AM
Source: http://www.moneyhomeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Become-A-Better-Business-Person.jpg
Every employee has an ambition to be a leader at his work and to have an added value into the organisation, by knowing how to have a postion at work. Therefore, leadership is a challenge
there are many steps to become a leader, we can set some steps. For instance:
- Taking responsability:
you must to do all of the assignments that are affected to you, try to be punctual !
- Exchange information between employees:
- support the idea of teamwork:
4:16 AM
Source: https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_908w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2012/12/18/Education/Images/iStock_000017194202Large-195.jpg&w=1484
Danger Drink #1: Soda
Danger Drink #1: Soda
Sometimes our bodies crave sugar, and all too often, we answer the call by guzzling soda instead of choosing a healthier alternative. Sugar is one of the main reasons soda is unhealthy (and caloric), especially when you are trying to lose weight. It’s filled with empty calories. On average, a 12-ounce serving contains more than 110 calories and 8-10 teaspoons of sugar! Another problem is caffeine, which acts as a diuretic, serving to dehydrate the body. Even diet sodas can adversely affect weight loss; the artificial sweeteners can leave you craving more sweets, which may sabotage your efforts to eat healthier.
Rescue Drink: Seltzer or carbonated water :Danger Drink #2: Fancy coffees
Instead of soda, try something that still has the refreshing carbonation you love but no added sweeteners. Swap out soda for seltzer water or flavored carbonated water and a slice of lemon or lime. This drink will help rehydrate you and not leave your taste buds asking for more sugar.
Believe it or not, your cup of Joe does offer some health benefits. When adults consume coffee in moderation—and don't load it with sugar and cream—they can help decrease their risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and more. On the flip side, when your coffee of choice is a caramel cappuccino, more than just a few calories sneak into your daily calorie allowance. Even a seemingly innocent blended iced coffee can have almost 200 calories—and that's one of the lower-calorie coffee drinks. Fancy coffee drinks are a prime example of how liquid calories can stack up.
Source: http://www.pressat.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/brown_coffee_drinking_1920x1080_65946.jpg
If you start your day with a regular cup of Joe, be careful about how you dress it up. Sugar and creamers are not calorie free, so use as little as possible. If you take your coffee with three sugars and two creamers, you're adding about 100 calories and 3.5 grams of fat.
Rescue Drink: Plain coffee
Enjoying coffee in moderation (no more than two cups a day) can be part of a healthy diet. Try a low fat or fat-free creamer to add a satisfying creaminess to your morning java. Slowly taper your use of sugar and cream and go for flavored coffee beans to add taste without calories. Adjusting your taste buds might take some time, but it's worth it.
Danger Drink #3: Alcohol
Your social life shouldn’t run dry when you are trying to lose weight and get healthy. You can even go out to happy hour with friends if you're smart about your choices. A good rule is to avoid frozen drinks like margaritas, daiquiris and pina coladas. These drinks have enough calories to count as a meal, and they're rarely made with any real fruit; they usually contain corn syrup and artificial flavors. A 10-ounce pina colada has close to 550 calories—without cherries, pineapple or other garnishes. And the worst part is that it’s hard to stop at just one! When drinking alcohol, your willpower often slips, making it all that much harder to resist unhealthy foods.
3:33 AM
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlmen, it is with a great sense of pride and with humility as a human being that i say to you today.What no men have been privileged to say before: "We Walk On The Moon"
3:10 AM
Source: http://www.avisregime.fr/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/aloe-vera-juice.jpg
Aloe vera juice contains leaf pulp that is rich in natural nutrients and fiber. This well-known herbal remedy for the skin also has many positive effects for internal healing, cleansing and repair when ingested as a nutritional drink. However, it can cause adverse side effects and reactions and should only be taken as directed.
Do not consume aloe vera that is not made for internal, use and consult your doctor before self-medicating for any reason.
2:45 AM
9:00 AM
Canadian company "Pishon Lab" launched the first intelligent lock. It relies on the user identification through finger print "biometric".
8:48 AM
If you are a person who likes to do tricks by the internet , so this article help you to improve your skills of making tricks for your friends.
8:12 AM
7:35 AM
The ability to maintain the organization and tidy work environment is not a feature created by all people in any kind of fields. Many of us could fail to organise his place of work, but there are others who can !
7:15 AM
Source; http://images.mid-day.com/2012/sep/kitchen-couple-fight.jpg
makes her seem ridiculous , it makes him seem like a victim of unfair
time she would walk into the kitchen and find dishes by the sink, she moved
increamentally closer to moving out and ending their marriage.
7:10 AM
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant lands, known Bdaaich terrorized the world after the attacks in many parts of the world, from Paris to Beirut.
8:39 AM
1-Sometimes we like to take selfie pictures before get in water or swimming, but after when we see our selfie-picture we find behind us beautiful smile!!
4:50 AM
Press sources indicated that the Indian authorities have officially decided to prohibit taking pictures Selfie-Photos in the Indian city of Mumbai, one of the largest cities in the country. Because of the high number of fatal accidents caused by this phenomenon.
4:02 AM
Application WhatsApp confirmed for its transformation into a fully free application, and in the context of changing the economic model, which will be indicated for free as the rest of the Facebook's applications.
3:29 AM
Source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/globalisation-140416165610-phpapp01/95/the-causes-and-effects-of-globalisation-1-638.jpg?cb=1397667402
Globalization is not a new concept in the world. It may be farther along and advancing at a faster rate than ever before, but globalization has been around for hundreds and, arguably, thousands of years. The Silk Road spanned one-sixth the diameter of the planet – literally connecting the West and the East – and began during the Han Dynasty (roughly 200 B.C.).
Globalisation..or rather Globalization.. My spell check shows both of them wrong! I’ll stick with the one containing ‘s’ as that’s considered correct in the UK English. I guess ‘flattening of the globe’ will be one practical definition for it. Sure, physically the earth is round as it has always been, but many other changes taking place are making it flat (of course, not physically!). I suggest you to read ‘The World Is Flat’ by Thomas L. Friedman, which is basic book on globalization, it’s positive/negative effects, what caused the flattening process, and an unbiased look over how different countries can benefit from it, and a chapter devoted to terrorism (which is opposing the flattening process).
According to Friedman, though flattening process is going to benefit majority of the nations across the globe, that’s a big threat for USA. The book gives an indepth look on this. The worst year for many nations of the world, and particularly for USA was 2001. Not because of any bullshit 9/11, but because China joined WTO that year!
There’s been a lot of hullaboo regarding this and how it has impacted India andChina positively is of prime importance. Apart from this, think over what other effects globalisation can possibly have.
Please check it out….
Effects of Globalization
The spectacular change which we have seen in the Indian economy last decade is all credited to globalisation. Particularly, software/IT sector is credited to be the most global. This makes us to think on what good and bad effects globalisation can have. Globalisation has various aspects which affect the world in several different ways. I’ve tried to enlist a few, and please note I’m not an expert to get all these on my own. The major points such as ‘industrial, financial, etc.’ were derived from Wikipedia and I have added my own content and understanding to the same.
• Industrial (alias trans nationalization) – emergence of worldwide production markets and broader access to a range of foreign products for consumers and companies. We have so many foreign brands available here. Be it Nike from US,Adidas from Germany, Nokia from Finland, Samsung from South Koreaor Sony from Japan, we don’t really differentiate.
• Financial – The advent of so many foreign finance firms are a live example of this.ABN-AMRO, HSBC, Barclays, ING Vysya, Citibank and many have established a strong foothold in the Indian market. As a result, the BFSI [banking, financial services and insurance] is seen as growing sector of business.
• Economic – realization of a global common market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods. The co-operation among countries has definitely increased due to globalization. The Euro as a single currency to represent the whole of European Union is a testimony to this. The affiliations among different nations for economic growth is becoming common. Countries like Sudan (where one of the worst ever humanitarian crisis took place), Angola, Egypt, Morocco and several other African, American countries are showing an average of 12% economic growth every year, thanks to the flattening process. The middle classes across the globe are growing rapidly. So,there’s more demand of goods in the market, and space for more industries to come. If human desires are infinite, sure the scope for trade and business is infinite.
• Political – Politically, the US has enjoyed a position of power among the world powers; in part because of its strong and wealthy economy. With the influence of globalisation and with the help of The United States’ own economy, China has experienced some tremendous growth within the past decade (since 2001) to be precise. 2001 was a very important year for globe,not because of a 9/11, but because China joined the world market. If China continues to grow at the rate projected by the trends, then it is very likely that in the next twenty years, there will be a major reallocation of power among the world leaders. China will have enough wealth, industry, and technology to rival the United States for the position of leading world power. The European Union, Russia and India are among the other already – established world powers which may have the ability to influence future world politics. Hegemony of any one country will go down. Particularly, the US.
2:48 AM
we have heard everyday a lot of innovations, and new fabrication in order to create new free clean energy.
today we are going to know a new fabrication to benefit from free electricity for charging your smartphone or other electronic things.
today we are going to know a new fabrication to benefit from free electricity for charging your smartphone or other electronic things.
2:39 AM
These last days we notice, that a lot of people complain about, Someone is controlling their counts in Facebook and they don't know how!
2:12 AM
Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Smiling_little_angel.jpg
We all were born to be happy without any problem, even if we have problems we shouldn't show them, all the time we have show just smilling on our faces.
- Optimistic – You’ll feel more positive about yourself and the world.
- Happiness & Joy – A smile is an expression of happiness and joy in you. Like an upward spiral, a smile will boost the happiness you feel.
- Healthy – A smile can affect your internal state, which can have physiological impact on your physical and mental health.
- Approachable – A smile is so welcoming and will make people feel more at ease.
- Making Other People Happy – A smile has the power to make other people feel good about themselves. It’s heart-warming and has the power to cheer up others instantly.
- Smiles Are Contagious – Others can quickly and easily catch it and will experience the above ‘side effects’.
Source: http://il7.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/9880055/thumb/4.jpg
Smiling at work:
Without saying a word, you can influence people at the office. Just by smiling, people will instantly be drawn to you, which can make you more approachable. This small gesture can take you places and is much easier than coming up with a script or dialogue when talking to your boss.
Smiling is also a great way to provide feedback. When you don’t know what to say about a comment that was made to you, a smile can provide assurance and direct acknowledgement. It lets people know you understand what was said.
In order for a smile to be effective, it has to be sincere. A fake smile can get you in trouble, hurt your reputation and make people skeptical. To avoid this, think of happy thoughts and a big, genuine smile should follow.
When was the last time you smiled at someone? Share your experience with us.
2:05 AM
Source: http://www.petpicturegallery.com/pictures/birds/canary/437-canaries.jpg
The Canary (Serinus canaria) or the Island Canary, Wild Canary or Atlantic Canary is a small songbird which is a member of the finch family. This bird is native to Madeira and the Canary Islands. The word "Canary" is derived from the Latin canaria, "of the dogs", referring to the numerous wild dogs that inhabited the islands.
3:50 AM
All women who are pregnant without complications should be encouraged to participate in aerobic and strength-conditioning exercises as part of a healthy lifestyle during their pregnancy. A reasonable goal should be to maintain a good fitness level throughout pregnancy without trying to reach peak fitness.
Source: http://groupinfo4u.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/2296538_f520.jpg
Eevery student has a specified objectif which is sucess in exams and in particular having good marks in it. It is not dificult to realise this point, it will better if you have a clair and organized method to fulfil your dream.
You should be up to date with your courses, if you have questions don't hesitate to ask your
teachers. Try to be a good listener because it will help you to collect benefic and fundamental ideas. Don't forget to revise each night what you had acquired during the day, what is more important also is to take notes regularly his is important if you want to have an easier time studying later. Not only will writing the information down as you learn it help you in absorbing the information and paying attention, but you'll have a reference for when you go to study later. If you have a sufficient time try to exploite it by going online and print a few practice tests to examine your intellectual capabilities.
furthermore, i advise you to eat sweets because it improve memory.
2:36 AM
A good listener
listenning is a skill which we sohould take into considartaion when we are speaking to others, it gives a higher level of understanding about someone's situation
a good listener who is attentive when he communicates to others and gives them the opportunity to express themselves even if they are not okey with him.
Source: https://compassiondave.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/good-listener-e1319558399491.jpg
A good listener does not check their phone or tablet in the middle of a conversation, when someone is sharing with them.
Source: http://www.rocofit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/texting-.jpg
A good listener cares. They show empathy for what the other person has to say. It’s genuine, authentic and comes from a place of truthful concern.
1:52 AM
Source: http://images6.content-bc.com/commimg/eduk/article/3896.jpg
UK education system explained
School and AS/A Level
It is compulsory for every child in the UK to receive full-time education at school between the ages of 5 and 16. After reaching 16, students can choose to continue their secondary education for a further two years, during which they usually study A-levels. It is common for students to study three or four A-levels that will be relevant to their chosen subject area at university. A-levels are necessary for all British students who want to study in higher education institutions.
UK higher education: Undergraduate degree
Most students enter higher education at the age of 18 to study an undergraduate degree. It usually takes three years for students in the UK to gain their bachelor’s degree (four years in Scotland). In 2009 university fees rose to a maximum of £9,000 per year for British students, while fees for international students usually cost between £10,000 and £30,000 per year, depending on the course and the subject they study. Undergraduate courses allow students to develop academic and – in some cases – work-related skills. British education focuses heavily on developing writing and analytical skills.
UK higher education: Postgraduate degree
Once students have obtained their undergraduate degree, they can apply for a postgraduate degree. The most common master’s degrees in the UK usually last for one year. However, some PhD qualifications can take up to seven years to complete. A British master’s degree requires intensive study, with research and critical thinking being a very important part of every postgraduate course. Apart from their classes, students will spend a significant part of their time researching their specialist subject area. Postgraduates are usually assessed through written assignments and tests. Some postgraduate degrees require dissertation modules at the end of their course.
Benefits of studying in UK:
The UK is a welcoming, diverse and popular destination for international students. Coming to a university or college here will give you world-class teaching and help you develop great skills for success in the global workforce.
- Universities contribute four times more to GDP than agriculture
- international students studying in London bring in far more money than they use in public services
- Four in 10 youngs adultes have a degree and they can earn 9,000 £ more than those without one
- more than 93% of students who graduated in 2014 went on to further study or found employement within 6 months
- research collaborations between UK universities and business are worth more than 3,5 bn £.
8:11 AM
all the time i am asking myself why the Muslims are attacking by the westerners media ?
maybe they are afraid that the most powerful religion in all over the world is Islam nowadays, but the problem is they show Islam in the TV in wrong images.because all we know that media could confirm stereotypes.it could be a kind of a war against this religion which create misunderstanding facts about this peaceful religion.So media can be as the brain-washing or the impact tool on the audience because the majority of the audience believe or trust what he can see or hear but the facts something different.Therefore, the statistics show that media could control our believes or change our way of life and the audience forget the real norms of humanity.
media goals focus on the business they do not care about ethics, norms and believes of a specific culture.
for them the good news are the bad news in order to attract more the audience.So, media can change the image of a culture or a religion in the audience head because, the audience of other culture think that all people like that ! they think that Islam just terrorism! and based just on boobs and long beard or long clothes...
hence, the media can be controlled by the government for political aims or for business goals.So, we should do media studies in order to make the audience aware of the media's Ideologies. and if you want to know real images of something you should read books and travel before judging or about a culture, religion , and people of other countries in all over the world.
maybe they are afraid that the most powerful religion in all over the world is Islam nowadays, but the problem is they show Islam in the TV in wrong images.because all we know that media could confirm stereotypes.it could be a kind of a war against this religion which create misunderstanding facts about this peaceful religion.So media can be as the brain-washing or the impact tool on the audience because the majority of the audience believe or trust what he can see or hear but the facts something different.Therefore, the statistics show that media could control our believes or change our way of life and the audience forget the real norms of humanity.
media goals focus on the business they do not care about ethics, norms and believes of a specific culture.
for them the good news are the bad news in order to attract more the audience.So, media can change the image of a culture or a religion in the audience head because, the audience of other culture think that all people like that ! they think that Islam just terrorism! and based just on boobs and long beard or long clothes...
hence, the media can be controlled by the government for political aims or for business goals.So, we should do media studies in order to make the audience aware of the media's Ideologies. and if you want to know real images of something you should read books and travel before judging or about a culture, religion , and people of other countries in all over the world.
7:38 AM
Source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/mm217project-141108115031-conversion-gate01/95/brain-drain-1-638.jpg?cb=1415447490
it is a new phenomene in which gradauated people leave their countries and go to another countries especially the developping ones in order to exercise a job where they are well-paid and have better living conditions.
What are the main causes of Brain drain??
There are various causes of brain drain, but they differ depending on the country that's experiencing it. The main causes include seeking employment or higher paying jobs, political instability, and to seek a better quality of life. Causes of brain drain can categorized into push factors and pull factors.
The push factors are negative characteristics of the home country that forms the impetus for intelligent people migrating from Lesser Developed Countries (LDC). In addition to unemployment and political instability, some other push factors are the absence of research facilities, employment discrimination, economic underdevelopment, lack of freedom, and poor working conditions.
The Pull factors are the positive characteristics of the developed country from which the migrant would like to benefit. Higher paying jobs and a better quality of life are examples of pull factors. Other pull factors include superior economic outlook, the prestige of foreign training, relatively stable political environment, a modernized educational system to allow for superior training, intellectual freedom, and rich cultures. These lists are not complete; there may be other factors, some of which can be specific to countries or even to individuals.
Effects of Brain Drain on the Home Country
developping countries benefit more and more from the highely-skilled people for instance:
- Loss of tax revenue
- Loss of potential future entrepreneurs
- A shortage of important, skilled workers
- The exodus may lead to loss of confidence in the economy, which will cause persons to desire to leave rather than stay
- Loss of innovative ideas
- Loss of the country's investment in education
- The loss of critical health and education services.
7:31 AM
7:13 AM
Source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4c3IACl-fNw/maxresdefault.jpg
Nowdays, weight is a difficult issue that a lot of people confronte, therefore there are many ways that can deal with this problem.
- 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science
There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast.
However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied.
If you don’t have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly.
The 3-step plan outlined here will:
- Reduce your appetite significantly.
- Make you lose weight fast, without being hungry.
- Improve your metabolic health at the same time.
All of this is supported by scientific studies.
6:59 AM
During recent decades, there has been a progressive decline in the level of physical activity in people's daily lives in developed countries. For a majority of people, little physical effort is involved any more in their work, domestic chores, transportation and leisure. Whilst specific health risks differ between countries and regions, the fact remains that physical inactivity is a major risk factor for most common non-communicable diseases. what is more important that sport affect positively our intelectual health, it is noticed that if we exercice more and more sport, it helps people especially students to have more concentration on their studies.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that, with the exception of sub-Saharan Africa, chronic diseases are now the leading causes of death in the world. The WHO cites four non-communicable diseases that make the largest contribution to mortality in low- and middle-income countries, namely: cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and diabetes.
6:36 AM
Most of people find it so hard to get over someone after a break up, Social media make it even more unbearable with all big goofy smile photos posted, Comments and likes , from « single » to « in a relationship » exe’s statuts…etc
image; http://www.journaldugeek.com
Facebook is making it easier to stay resolved in your breakup. it will now provide several options when a person changes their relationship status in a way that indicates they are no longer attached. For instance, users will have the option to see less of their ex’s name and profile, and their posts won’t show up in that person’s news feed.
image; http://www.journaldugeek.com
The ex will also not be a suggested person to tag in photos, and overall their pictures and status updates will be limited.
image; http://www.journaldugeek.com
the company said its starting to test these
features in the United States on mobile and will expand them based on user
6:29 AM