An Addition To Google Chrome Lets You Know Who Is Visiting Your Profile On Facebook!!

I talked last time about the addition of Google Chrome called "Facebook Flat" that helps to change design of  Facebook "flat".So, recently they added new feature that lets you know more about people who visit or visited your personal page or profile on Facebook.
This is a new feature on the left menu called "profile visitors" which enables the addition by the developer to identify a list of the top 20 most visitors of a person's profile on Facebook.

But the strong question!! Is this true or not?!!

Personally, I added this option, but I could not determine how to use it in order to know!
But the fact that Facebook did not announce any thing about that! But at least we can trust it because it is made by Google! you can find it in the link bellow and try it by yourself.
Here is the link :
Note: Share this article with your friends if they like know who visit their profiles!