YouTube Is Preparing To Launch A New Quality Of Live Broadcast!

This news appeared by media specialists for the video "YouTube" Platform.
they confirm that in the coming period Youtube will launch a new feature!
and it is interested by direct broadcast technology 360 degrees in order to complement this new policy,which means is a major challenge for YouTube.

"BuzzFeed News" is famous Web-site claim that YouTube is working on big project to launch live broadcast technology 360 degrees.
before it had been launched earlier the possibility of publishing videos 360 degrees and then videos 3D dimensions in order to give users the possibility of testing the new virtual reality experience on its platform.
 However,web-site "BuzzFeed" News showed that YouTube is facing a number of problems which are related with this new feature due to the lack of special technology of 360-degree cameras, also because of the rare existence of suitable equipment in order to achieve the possibility of live broadcasts.
Hence,this is why this new feature quality not achieved as they want!So,YouTube start doing negotiations with companies to create this new type of cameras.