Find Out The Most Wonderful Benefits Of Baking Soda
Baking soda is likely the most inexpensive health remedy in the world. It can do a lot more than sit the back of the fridge.So, If it is one thing you want in your home pharmacy, it's baking soda!
There you go! Few useful ways to use baking soda,
You can use it as natural Deodorant:
source: onsugar
Simply mix about a teaspoon of baking soda with enough water to make a milky liquid, then rub it on your underarms.
For whitening teeth:
source: onsugar
For a natural way to whiten your teeth, put a little of baking soda on your toothbrush, brush and rinse your mouth as usual. You will notice your teeth sparkling within few days.
For fresh breath:
source: blogspot
For a fresh breath, make gargle with baking soda and water.
To remove the bad smells in your hands:
source: dettol
Simply rub your hands with baking soda and water to get rid of bad smells like onion or garlic.
For cleaner floor:
source: media-cache-ak0
Use 1/2 baking soda in a bucket of warm water to help scour and clean floors.
For insect bites:
source: dreamstime
Make a simple paste of baking soda and water and apply it on affected skin to help relieving itching. This is also affective for itchy rashes.
Do you have any other tips that i missed? please share in the comments.
main image: onsugar