As the air starts to lose its moisture, our skin, hands and lips follow suit. Sure, you should restock your desk, purse, and bedroom with lipstick. But to score truly gorgeous, soft touch lips, try one or all of these brilliant chapped lip cures.
Hydrate: Lips and skin moisture comes from the inside, out-so make sure you're drinking enough fluids-this is especially important to consider when you're in serve weather or dry climates and engaged in outdoor activities.
Don't lick your lips:
source: pad2.whstatic
We lick our dry lips to add some moisture, but it actually dries them out even more. Your salive contains acids that break down food, but they also irritate your lips. Plus, continuously licking will remove any natural oils you have on your lips.
Use cucumber:
source: media.mercola
Some people have luck using a cucumber to help rehydrate their lips. Simply cut up a cucumber. Use the slices to hydrate your lips by holding them on for 5 to 10 minutes.
Don't eat citrus:
source: gettyimages
The acid in the fruit can contribute to your chapped lips, so try to avoid it when your lips are bad.
Change toothpastes:
source: wayneoralsurgery
Some toothpastes, especially those with artificial ingredients, can irritate your lips. That irritation can create chapped lips over time.
Try a moisturizer such as Vaseline in the morning:
When you first wake up in the morning, apply a moisturizer to help jump-start the moisturizing process for the day.
Nothing working? You may be suffering from an allergic reaction. See your dermatologist to be sure.
image source: thefashionspot