What Does Your Hair Say About You?
Not only can your facial features tell you a thing or two about yourself, your hairstyle can also reveal several things about you.The truth is that hair is an integral part of a woman's personality. It speaks volumes about
her. A woman can transform her own persona and look completely bold and edgy if she wants to, with just a change in her haircut. A new hairstyle can put her into an entirely new frame of mind.
1. If you have short hair:
source: http://harieta.info/images/pictures-of-short-hair-styles-for-fine-hair/pictures-of-short-hair-styles-for- fine-hair-68-8.jpg
If a woman has a well-maintained and carefully-cut short hairstyle, it can reveal that she is artistic and wants to express herself through her hair. Any high-maintenance hairstyle can be a sign of wealth as it requires frequent trips to the stylist.
2. If you have long hair:
source: http://blog.doctoroz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/young-woman-with-beautiful-hair-638x471.jpg
Long hair can have multiple meanings. Many women believe that long hair makes them more appealing, but it can also show a bohemian spirit or a need for freedom.
4. If you have curly hair:
source: http://content.latest-hairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Curly-Hairstyle-for-Summer-with-Side-Part- 500x333-14346316773.jpg
Women with curly hair are also generous and tend do everything, like completing tasks, faster than other people. They have a "fire personality," whose traits include leadership, love, passion, insight, dynamism, aggression, intuition, reason, and expressiveness. They also have a hard time focusing on one thing for a long time.
5. Straight sleek hair:
source: http://www.wavygirlhairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/sleek.jpg
Your type of personality leaves nothing left untouched, no hair out of place. You have a plan for everything, and your Outlook calendar is color-coded to match the shades of the rainbow. So wearing your hair down and stick straight is your obvious go-to.
6. The messy bun:
source: http://weareatlove.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/MESSY-BUN-1024x1024.jpg
Your whimsical, manic-pixie-dream-girl sensibilities inspire (and occasionally annoy) everyone around you. You dance to the beat of your own drum and always manage to look adorable doing it.
7. Ponytail:
source: http://www.drodd.com/images13/ponytail20.jpg
It probably goes without saying that the ponytail is the hairstyle you rock several times a week. It goes from the gym, to the office, to the coffee shop, and you rarely have to touch it up throughout the day. There are so many ways to wear the perfect pony, but all of them are practical and low maintenance, just like you.
8. The braid:
source: http://images.divinecaroline.mdpcdn.com/sites/divinecaroline.com/files/easy-summer-braid_86396..jpg
You’re the quiet, introverted type but when you do say something, it’s important. The understated but-oh-so-relevant braid is your go-to hairstyle of choice. It looks great but doesn’t call attention to itself.
So, does your hairstyle matches your personality?