Facts About The Zika Virus You May Wonder About It

Have Questions About Zika Virus? Find Out The Answers Here:

Who- Zika virus: 

Zika is actually an old virus, it's only recently that health experts have been seriously worried. It was first discovered in 1947s when it isolated from monkeys in the Zika forest in Uganda. And for decades thereafter, it bothered humans.

In 2015, a massive outbreak in Brasil affecting more than 1 million people has changed the view of the mosquito-borne virus. Moreover, the virus has been spreading throughout the Western Hemisphere at a rapid rate, carried by a type of mosquito that feeds on and thrives alongside humans. Now more than 20 countries are currently battling outbreaks, and Zika is expected to reach every corner of America this year.

How does Zika Spread:

Zika is mainly carried by a specific type of mosquito called Aedes aegypti, which spread the disease through bites.


Since Zika arrived in Brasil in 2015, more than 4,000 cases of microcephaly have been reported, a twenty fold increase from previous years.The condition causes the head to be small in size and the brain to under-develop. But it is still unknown why babies are born with microcephaly.

Women who are pregnant and worried about the Zika virus: 

The symptoms of zika:

      source: lehautparleurdotnet

The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis (red eyes), muscle pain and headache. Other less common symptoms reported include: anorexia, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and dizziness.

Zika virus spread: 

The Zika virus could spread in every European country if the Aeds mosquito gets a foothold on the continent.


Not usually, but people with pre-existing health problems can develop fatal complications.

How to avoid Zika: 

The only way to prevent infection in to avoid mosquito bites by standing indoors when visiting an area where the virus is present, wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts.

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main picture: societyforscience