Perfect- One Spoon Before You Go To Sleep Will Helps You To Lotst 6 Kilos In 20 Days

losing weight and keeping the pounds off-isn't a quick or easy process, but a simple trick can be a big help along the way. Here's a simple recipe that you can eat just one spoon of it before going to bed and you will lose weight quickly.

All what you need is:

-A cup of grated turmeric.
-A cup of grated ginger.
-A cup of lemon peel.
-A cup of orange peel.
-A cup of cinnamon powder


Mix all the above ingredients together in a good way, put it in a glass and save it in the fridge. Every day before you go to sleep boil a small cup of the water and add one tablespoon of the ingredient blend them and leave it for 5 minutes then you can drink it. You will notice the best results within few days.

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main picture: thelemonbowl